Welcome to Furry Friends Pet Sitting service where felines are our favorites.
For over 28 years we have been providing loving care for pets in the comfort of their own homes. We focus on all aspects of cat care and stay busy giving plenty of hugs and kisses.
I was lucky to grow up in a loving home where pets were as precious as kids and considered very important members of our family. Mom & Dad are both
"Cat People" who taught us about love and compassion for all living things by caring and showing concern for homeless animals. We always had 3 or 4 cats and a dog, plus took care of any stray soul that happened to be passing through. A lot of these sweet little guys took up residence with us. Thank goodness I inherited my parents' love of all felines!
After graduating from college and enduring 10 long years in the corporate world of management, I needed a change! My dream was to work in a pet related field and help homeless cats and kittens. Pet Sitting provided the purrfect opportunity, so in 1995 Furry Friends Pet Sitting was "born."
About this same time I met and married Randy. He was handsome, talented and most importantly a cat lover. He encouraged me to follow my pet sitting dream and volunteered to help when he wasn't shooting photography or teaching martial arts, working his real jobs. Randy is as cat crazy as I am and extremely supportive of all my pet projects including our rescue work. He helps with daily visits and is always available to come to my aid in an emergency. He even does a little handyman work. Without him, Furry Friends would not exist!
Throughout the past 26 years, we have had the wonderful opportunity to form fabulous friendships and bonds with the families whose babies we spoil and love. Please check out our testimonial section.
I had the pleasure to serve on Safe Haven for Cat's board of directors for several years and the distinct honor of being Board President for this wonderful organization. What a rewarding and special time this was since the Safe Care Clinic was established during my tenure.
With the help of countless friends and clients, we have spayed and neutered lots of cats and kittens while starting and maintaining feral cat colonies. Making sure that these feral babies are healthy and safe is very important to me! Randy and I have fostered several special kitties and helped find them their purrfect forever homes.
Today we share our home with several wonderful children with fur, all rescued of course, and some with special health needs. Kelso, Dot, Lester, Party Girl, Tooey, Diesel, Daisy Mae, Teeter and Elvira bring us a world of happiness while keeping us busy!